Wednesday, August 30, 2006


This is a name about which we will probably speak a long time: SpiralFrog. This site is going to propose free music… Finally almost, the economic model of SpiralFrog is that you will be able to download or to listen to music but you will have to watch a lot of ads. A music on ITunes cost a little less than one dollar, that means that for each listened music, it will be necessary that advertisers paid at least 1 dollar… that will make of it advertizing of the popups and other unbearable tricks! But here is the problem, many browsers, in particular Firefox (moreover if it is only about visual ads, I remind to you that tabs will enable you to mask the advertizing while listening to the music), allow to filter this kind of ads… Will SpiralFrog then be directed towards a model requiring a interaction with the user of the kind: 3clicks on the button, returns the visual code that I show you and I pass from there"… There you will quickly be sick of all that. ; Me personally I want to see, I do not say that the economic model based on ads is not possible (it works very very well for Google) but it is risky… To follow with much attention…

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